My education journey

PhD program in the Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles 

[Sep. 2018]  - [Dec. 2023]

Advisor: Dr. Alison Bailey

Seeing the potential of social science research to make real-world impact, I set off on my journey to learn the fundamentals of education/psychology research and work with extraordinary professors and many inspiring peers. I continue to hone my research skills and develop understanding of how to better support learning of children who are bilingual/multilingual and those living in under-resourced communities in China.

M.A. in Humanities Studies, the University of Chicago

[Aug. 2016]  - [Aug. 2017]

Mentor: Dr. Cécile B. Vigouroux 

UChicago presented me with unprecedented diversity of opportunity and humbled me to explore my place in the world. The phenomenal professors and peers across the disciplines (philosophy, psychology, linguistics and public policy) pushed me to expand, challenge, adjust my worldview, and helped me discover my love for educational research

B.A. in Philosophy, Zhejiang Gongshang University

[Sep. 2012]  - [Jun. 2016]

I'm grateful for these four years studying at ZJGSU and immersing myself in philosophy. ZJGSU is where I fell in love with reading and thinking about the fundamental problems relating to existence, nature of beauty, virtue, knowledge and language. And more importantly, it was at ZJGSU where I started to reflect on who I am.